LastPass, a product that I've used for a long time and have recommended freely to friends and other notable ne'er-do-wells alike, has been hacked. Again. This time it might spell doom for the company. With apologies to Glen Hansard, I'm both mad AND disappointed.
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The 26th Tech Field Day event put on by Gestalt IT was held this month in San Jose, California. Over the course of three days, we debated trends and topics around the Enterprise Datacenter space, talked network automation with ZPE, and participated in the OCP 2022 CXL Forum.
Read on to learn more about the event.
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MFA is a huge boon to security, but some innovations that are supposed to make it easier are actually giving hackers new ways to attack individual users. This is an example of where keeping things simple would mean more security for everybody.
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The long-debated QUIC protocol is getting serious attention these days. It has been in development since 2012, but is all the rage now because HTTP/3 (the main reason QUIC was designed in the first place) is now an official standard.
What is it, then, and what might it mean for security? Let's find out.
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Security doesn't have to be a massive financial hardship. In fact, there are a great number of things that can be done in your organization to make systems and applications more secure. This post outlines some of the most helpful that can be used to make your organization more secure.
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Not all security needs to come with a price tag, and organizations shouldn't give up on becoming more secure because of cost concerns. A lot of security comes down to education, mindset, and taking advantage of the security built into products and technologies that you already own.
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A Password Manager is an essential security feature for individual users and enterprises alike. The average internet denizen has to remember 70-80 passwords and accounts, and using the same few passwords over and over is very insecure. Now add in enterprises, who need to secure more than just passwords alone.
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Microsoft presented their modern security vision this past week at Gestalt IT’s Security Field Day 7. They highlighted the importance of interconnectedness as a security practice as part of their “SIEM+XDM” security vision. The technology is compelling, but questions about manageability (and cost) remain.
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I attended a very valuable and unique tech conference called "Security Field Day," put on by Gestalt IT. Read on to learn a little more about the event.
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Security conversations often revolve around outwardly-facing edge technologies like firewalls and IDS. These help harden the shell against external threats, but internal threats are just as dangerous. Data is what attackers want, which is why it's just as important to be vigilant about security inside the perimeter.
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